Click on the link above to take you to the scientific programme.
I look forwarding to bringing back to NZ some of the latest updates in the field of periodontology.
Conference time is an opportunity to take time away from our normal busy day to day responsibilities in practice to reflect upon how we provide care to our patients. Is there a better way to provide more predictable clinical outcomes? Is there a more efficient workflow whilst maintaining a high quality of care to minimise patient fees?
At this EuroPerio there is a "nightmare session" where master clinicians will present some of their most horrible treatment scenarios so that we can learn from their mistakes. Specialist care is about managing complications and high risk cases. It is important to identify potential complications prior to treatment as well as providing rescue care. I'm very excited about the surgical workshops and to meet new colleagues from around the world. The exchange of ideas and debate about the recent literature will no doubt be very stimulating.
My office will be open whilst I'm away on conference leave. Should you have any questions regarding your patient please email
Have a lovely week! Ling.
Lingfeng Soo, periodontist