Prior approval for Dental Implant Treatment for ACC cases

An overview of the process for applying for ACC funding


We can assist you with your documentation and application for ACC prior approval for dental implant treatment. Please give us your ACC claim number and the date of injury.

ACC has very strict guidelines and exclusion criteria for dental implant treatment. For more information please click here. 


  1. The completed ACC DRAPT form signed by the restorative dentist, the surgeon and the patient 

  2. Signed consent letter which includes fees estimates for the private co-payments for the prosthetics (ACC wants to know that you are aware of your all of your treatment options and your responsibilities in terms of fees which are not funded by ACC )

  3. Clinical Records we collected at your recent consult visit showing your current clinical presentation (ACC wants to see that implant treatment is a valid treatment option for you): 

    • clinical photographs

    • intra-oral radiographs

    • panoramic radiograph

    • cone beam CT

    • study models 

  4. Clinical Records from your dentist showing evidence of attendance over the last 5 years (ACC wants to see that you can look after yourself and that you will look after your implants)

  5. A cover letter to ACC from us summarising how you received your injury and why dental implant treatment is a good option for you

Upon receiving the complete set of documentation, please allow up to six weeks for ACC to process your application.

Logistics of care

A surgical stent or guide is required for the surgical appointment to place the implant. This is generally provided by your dentist or prosthodontist. Alternatively we can make one for you.

Remember to inform your dentist when you book the surgical appointments with us so that he or she can ensure that the stent and the provisional denture will be ready for you. Your denture can be inserted on the day of the surgery or soon after on another day. Often in situations where there's a large amount of bone grafting it would be sensible to ask your dentist/prosthodontist to provide you with two sets of dentures. For more information regarding the logistics and sequencing of implant treatment - click here.

There is no co-payment fee for the surgical appointments with us, but you should discuss prosthetic co-payment fees with your restorative dentist or prosthodontist. You can choose to opt out of the ACC process by funding the entire care privately.


Disclaimer: The information presented here is for information gathering purposes. Feb 2025.