We understand that dental procedures can be scary and lingering memories of bad experiences can become an obstacle to care.

Many of our patients find that over a course of care, their anxiety levels become less and less at each visit. By the time they commence their maintenance program they are fairly relaxed about their upcoming appointment. In fact many take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy a peaceful moment or a cheeky snooze in the middle of a busy day. 

Here are some of the things we do to try and make it easier for you.

  • For those who require it we offer intravenous sedation as an aid to get through the first couple of procedures.

  • We do our best to be punctual with your appointment time. For the occasions that are unavoidable we will notify you as soon as possible.

  • We will guide you through your appointment and explain what we do as we do them including your consultation visit and for procedures.

  • We take great care to be mindful of the fact that infected and inflammed tissues are hyper-sensitive to touch. Please let us know at any time if you are not feeling ok during the assessment process.

  • We discuss your findings and treatment options together at the table. Everyone feels vulnerable when they are lying in the dental chair, including the dentist who is someone else's patient.

  • We apply plenty of numbing topical anaesthetics to the surfaces of the soft tissues for several minutes prior to the delivery of local anaesthetic injections. We use very fine gauge needles and we employ smooth techniques.

  • Feel free to bring along a selection of your favourite music or a support person to your appointments.

  • Many of our patients had petite or restrictive anatomy, we are careful and respectful of the biological tissues during procedures. We've also considered such anatomy in the selection of our instruments and equipment. Our intra-oral xray holder is very slim and our photographic mirrors have a slight curve and ergonomic form.

  • For highly complex cases, we offer a second consult within 4 weeks at no additional fee. This will give you an opportunity to digest the information we presented at your first visit and to do some research yourself.


Our patients feel that they are in control of their health and well-being. They understand their options and the reasons they chose a particular treatment direction as well as the therapeutic goals they need to achieve to in order to get there. Think of the individual procedures as stepping stones to reach the final destination. Having a clear picture of the end-point and how to reach it, these I find to be the biggest factors in enabling an anxious patient to make it through the initial appointments and accepts the biological time-frame to reach the end-point. The end-point can be new front teeth for a more aesthetic smile or getting new back teeth to chew properly, it's what you, the patient, desires. For other patients the end-point is more about the fact that they are not going to lose any more teeth in the near future.

Dr. Lingfeng Soo, periodontist


We have the latest modern equipment and workflow for enhanced ergonomics, accuracy and precision for seamless care.