Pre-visit Triage
We have a short series of questions when you arrange your appointments. Please let us know if you are feeling unwell and we will re-arrange your visit.
When you arrive at the clinic
Please ….
let us know when you are in the carpark by ringing our front desk 09-414-77-22.
wear a face mask - it is now a Government mandated requirement.
complete the covid screening questionnaire on the phone.
sanitise or wash your hands upon arrival.
we will take you into the treatment rooms promptly.
help us observe physical distancing in reception. We have three designated waiting areas for processing payments and making appointments.
Front reception
Side room
Treatment room 2
arrange your next visit over the phone, if possible from the carpark.
register your visit by scanning the COVID QR code or sign in on the paper register. We encourage you to use the “NZ COVID Tracer” app and also turn on Bluetooth in the app.
Other pre-cautions
Under normal operations, we are already compliant with infection control guidelines. In addition we clean and disinfect shared areas more frequently.
A pre-procedural mouth rinse is to reduce the amount of micro-organisms in the air.
Please wash your hands after the procedure and refrain from touching your face.
Please notify the clinic if you are unwell after your visit.
We offer tele-consults for patients who have toothache or dental abscesses and who are medically not well to attend.
We schedule medium risk patients who have acute periodontal problems towards the end of the day.
Additional information below.
How to wash your hands thoroughly.
How to use hand sanitizer correctly.
How to wear a medical grade face mask.
How to wear a non-medical grade face mask.